Solar-wind turbulenceThe NASA Voyager Interstellar Mission explores the outer heliosphere and its interaction with the local interstellar medium (LISM). Beyond any expectation, the Voyager 1 and 2 (V1, V2) spacecrafts will send data until 2025 and they are providing the first and unique in situ...
Angular momentum model.The equation for the intrinsic moment of momentum averaged over small volumes of linear dimension δ have been considered and a representation of it is given as an infinite sequence of independent equations using a series expansion in terms of δ^2. The equations...
Longterm dynamics of rarefied jets
- Visualization of density and concentration distributions inside and outside the barrel shock in underexpanded hypersonic jets. We show that the jet growth clearly depends on the sign of the density gradient between the gas in the jet and that in...
Hydrodynamic Stability of Shear Flows The hydrodynamic stability of fluid flows is an important subject in different fields, such as aerodynamics, mechanics, astrophysics, oceanography, atmospheric sciences, and biology. Stability can be defined as the ability of a dynamical system to be immune to small disturbances. In...
Seminar Recap: Prof. Robert Edward Breidenthal on "How to Tackle a Turbulent Vortex"On October 17th, 2024, the Department of Applied Science and Technology (DISAT) at Politecnico di Torino, led by Prof. D. Tordella, welcomed Prof. Robert Edward Breidenthal from the University of Washington, Seattle, USA,...
EU Horizon 2020
COMPLETE - 675675 Marie Curie H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015 (2015)
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions - Innovative Training Network
Title: Cloud-MicroPhysics-Turbulence-Telemetry (COMPLETE): An inter-multidisciplinary training network for enhancing the understanding and modeling of atmospheric clouds MicroPHysics-Turbulence-Telemetry.
The project has been active since 1st June 2016. 14 PhD positions are available.
Approved, September...
Nec eu velit latine, sit an graeci legendos voluptaria. Eius tempor eu nec, vix no mutat lucilius comprehensam. Cum debet praesent tincidunt id, noster prompta denique quo ad, erant maluisset eloquentiam sit et. Postea noster usu in, quod laudem cu nam. Simul voluptatum mei ad....
Nec eu velit latine, sit an graeci legendos voluptaria. Eius tempor eu nec, vix no mutat lucilius comprehensam. Cum debet praesent tincidunt id, noster prompta denique quo ad, erant maluisset eloquentiam sit et. Postea noster usu in, quod laudem cu nam. Simul voluptatum mei ad....
Nec eu velit latine, sit an graeci legendos voluptaria. Eius tempor eu nec, vix no mutat lucilius comprehensam. Cum debet praesent tincidunt id, noster prompta denique quo ad, erant maluisset eloquentiam sit et. Postea noster usu in, quod laudem cu nam. Simul voluptatum mei ad....
Nec eu velit latine, sit an graeci legendos voluptaria. Eius tempor eu nec, vix no mutat lucilius comprehensam. Cum debet praesent tincidunt id, noster prompta denique quo ad, erant maluisset eloquentiam sit et. Postea noster usu in, quod laudem cu nam. Simul voluptatum mei ad....