Posted at 12:56h
Proposal - Scientific Collaboration Italy-Israel 2014Study and optimization of turbulent mixing processes to enhance microalgae growth for bioethanol productionScientific Cooperation Italy-Israele, 3rd callIsrael: Tel Aviv University (A.Liberzon),Italy: Politecnico di Torino (D.Tordella), Università di Catania (M.Gennari).With respect to plant crop derived bio-fuels, algae are currently considered as the...
Posted at 13:01h
Laboratory Simulation Of Planet-Solar Wind And Interstellar Medium/Heliosphere InteractionsObservations show that when the solar wind runs into a magnetosphere or the local interstellar medium runs into the heliosphere, asymmetries in the flow and obstacle (structure of the bow shock and magnetopause) result. We propose a...
Posted at 13:12h
Lagrange Project PhD Fellowship 2011-2013To what extent spectra of turbulent flows are linked to the nonlinear interaction among their different modes?Why the project belongs to the complex system researchTurbulence is historically known as one of the archetype of the complex system research.In particular, turbulent flows...
Posted at 13:03h
Mitor 2012-2013Laboratory simulation of planet-solar wind and interstellar medium/heliosphere interactionWe will investgate if a small scale laboratory experiment on the solar wind interaction with a planetary magnetosphere could be attempted in the low energy laboratory facility at Torino and Milan Politecnics, where a recent 2010-2012...
Posted at 13:05h
ISCRA Project 2012-2013 (Class C)Title: Technical assessment of MPI code and development and comparison of hybrid OpenMP/MPI code for the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations ...
Posted at 13:21h
ISCRA Project 2011-2012 (Class C)Turbulent Mixing in Stratified FlowPrincipal Investigator: Francesca De SantiCollaborators: Daniela Tordella, Michele Iovieno, Silvio Di Savino, Luca GallanaThis project is related to a previous study regarding the turbulent shearless mixing process which is due to the interaction between two isotropic turbulent fields with...
Posted at 13:07h
Prace Tier-0 Project 2011050773 (2012-2013)Fluid turbulence: self and passive scalar diffusion. Application to stably stratified flowsExperiments show that turbulent diffusion is complex and that discrete structures or processes, spatially localized within the system, may exist. To obtain better handling of fundamental issues, we propose an...
Posted at 13:31h
ISCRA Project 2010-2011 (Class A)Principal Investigator: Daniela TordellaCollaborators: Lauris Ducasse, Michele Iovieno, Stefania Scarsoglio, Antonella Abbà, Francesca De Santi...
Posted at 13:15h
Mitor Projects 2009-2010 & 2011-2012MISTI Global Seed FundsTitle: Long-term interaction in fluid systemsMassachusetts Institute of Technology (Mathematics Department, Prof. G. Staffilani) and Politecnico di Torino (Department of Aeronautics and Space Engineering, Prof. D. Tordella)In order to understand whether, and to what extent, the turbulent power...
Posted at 13:35h
Regione Piemonte Project E60 2007-2010Metodi instazionari innovativi per la simulazione dei flussi turbolenti su superfici di velivoliParticipants:Politecnico di Torino (D. Tordella)Alenia Aeronautica (N. Ceresola, V. Selmin)...