Marie Curie "Aerotranet" 2006-2009Unsteady AEROdynamics TRAining NETwork in airframe components for competitive and environmentally friendly civil transport aircraftAeroTraNet is an Early Stage research Training (EST) in the European Research Area (ERA). This new multi-host initiative brings together the excellent doctoral training schools of four ERA research...
Prin 2005-2007Nonlinear collective processes in high-energy astrophysics: numerical models and experimental validation in the laboratoryAn important step in numerical simulations of astrophysical phenomena is the process of validation of numerical codes, i.e. of testing whether codes correctly reproduce the physics involoved in the phenomena. In...
Cofin 2002JETS FROM YOUNG STARS: NUMERICAL AND LABORATORY SIMULATIONS OF IPERSONIC JETSNUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF RADIATIVE JETS AND COMPARISON WITH OBSERVATIONS. High resolution observations in the optical (from the Hubble Space Telescope, HST) and infrared bands show that dynamical processes, involving matter outflows, can determine both...