30 Oct ISCRA Project 2012-2013 (Class C)
ISCRA Project 2012-2013 (Class C)Title: Technical assessment of MPI code and development and comparison of hybrid OpenMP/MPI code for the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations ...
ISCRA Project 2012-2013 (Class C)Title: Technical assessment of MPI code and development and comparison of hybrid OpenMP/MPI code for the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations ...
ISCRA Project 2011-2012 (Class C)Turbulent Mixing in Stratified FlowPrincipal Investigator: Francesca De SantiCollaborators: Daniela Tordella, Michele Iovieno, Silvio Di Savino, Luca GallanaThis project is related to a previous study regarding the turbulent shearless mixing process which is due to the interaction between two isotropic turbulent fields with...
Prace Tier-0 Project 2011050773 (2012-2013)Fluid turbulence: self and passive scalar diffusion. Application to stably stratified flowsExperiments show that turbulent diffusion is complex and that discrete structures or processes, spatially localized within the system, may exist. To obtain better handling of fundamental issues, we propose an...
ISCRA Project 2010-2011 (Class A)Principal Investigator: Daniela TordellaCollaborators: Lauris Ducasse, Michele Iovieno, Stefania Scarsoglio, Antonella Abbà, Francesca De Santi...
Mitor Projects 2009-2010 & 2011-2012MISTI Global Seed FundsTitle: Long-term interaction in fluid systemsMassachusetts Institute of Technology (Mathematics Department, Prof. G. Staffilani) and Politecnico di Torino (Department of Aeronautics and Space Engineering, Prof. D. Tordella)In order to understand whether, and to what extent, the turbulent power...
Regione Piemonte Project E60 2007-2010Metodi instazionari innovativi per la simulazione dei flussi turbolenti su superfici di velivoliParticipants:Politecnico di Torino (D. Tordella)Alenia Aeronautica (N. Ceresola, V. Selmin)...
Marie Curie "Aerotranet" 2006-2009Unsteady AEROdynamics TRAining NETwork in airframe components for competitive and environmentally friendly civil transport aircraftAeroTraNet is an Early Stage research Training (EST) in the European Research Area (ERA). This new multi-host initiative brings together the excellent doctoral training schools of four ERA research...
Prin 2005-2007Nonlinear collective processes in high-energy astrophysics: numerical models and experimental validation in the laboratoryAn important step in numerical simulations of astrophysical phenomena is the process of validation of numerical codes, i.e. of testing whether codes correctly reproduce the physics involoved in the phenomena. In...