Posted at 12:40h
Download Philofluid_STABILITY_IVP_Wake codeThis software (Philofluid_STABILITY_IVP_Wake) is freely distributed under a GNU General Public License with the following additional restrictions:1) any published work that uses this software (journal papers, conference proceedings, technical reports, thesis) will cite the following papers describing the software and some of the principal...
Posted at 12:35h
Download Philofluid_STABILITY_IVP_ChandraThis software (Philofluid_STABILITY_IVP_Chandra) is freely distributed under a GNU General Public License with the following additional restrictions:1) any published work that uses this software (journal papers, conference proceedings, technical reports, thesis) will cite the following papers describing the software and some of the principal scientific...
Posted at 12:27h
Hydrodynamic Stability 2Nonmodal linear stability via the Galerkin method using Chandrasekhar functions expansionThese codes solve the Orr-Sommerfeld/ Squire Initial Value Problem for linear, three-dimensional, wave perturbations in shear flows. The solution is computed by a semi-analytical procedure. Starting from the velocity-vorticity formulation, the solution is...
Posted at 12:17h
Hydrodynamic Stability 1Transient dynamics of three-dimensional perturbationsWe consider an initial-value problem (IVP) for arbitrary small three-dimensional perturbations imposed on basic shear flows. We analyze three typical shear flows: the plane Poiseuille and Couette channel flows, the two-dimensional bluff-body wake, and the two- and three-dimensional boundary...
Posted at 12:06h
SOFTWAREOur Home-made software is freely available under the GNU General Public License. To access it, simply fill out the form located in each of the three sections below by clicking on the DOWNLOAD buttons.If you encounter any issues with the form or don’t receive a...