Journal Papers
Philofluid Research Group: Exploring the frontiers of knowledge and innovation with passion. We embrace the joy of fundamental discoveries, the impact of practical applications, and the transformative power of hands-on research.
M. Iovieno, S. Di Savino, F. De Santi, and D. Tordella, Intermittency layers associated to turbulent interfaces, European Fluid Mechanics Conference 9 Book of Abstracts, 9, 2012 (European Fluid Mechanics Conference 9, Rome, Italy, September 9-13, 2012).
C. Haigermoser, F. Asteggiano, G. Seracchioli, and M. Iovieno, New methodology for instantaneous pressure calculation from PIV data and its application to the study of acoustic emissions in a cavity, Proceedings of the XV AIVELA National Meeting, 13, 2007 (XV AIVELA National Meeting, Milan, Italy, November 29-30, 2007).